вторник, 19 марта 2019 г.
The Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Act of 1991 and Ca
The Natural Communities saving Planning (NCCP) typify of 1991 and atomic number 20The Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) modus operandi of 1991 was established by the California Legislature, is directed by the Department of lean and Game, and is being implemented by the state, and public and private partnerships to protect home ground in California1. As opposed to the exclusive species interpretation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), this act aims at protecting many species using a regional approach to habitat preservation. Douglas Wheeler has written a nice compendium of the NCCP within the context of the history of conservation of habitat. The NCCP is a program that is meant to drive home voluntary multi-stakeholder cooperation in planning, management and funding. In Southern California the identify habitat is Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS), home to the federally jeopardize California Gnatcatcher. Conservation is needed, particularly in Orange County, because of the large-scale growth of homes, businesses, and roads. The listing of the California Gnatcatcher as a threatened species and the dwindling rime of other CSS dependent species are a testament to the need for whole-habitat preservation. For instance, CSS habitat includes other birds and organisms in need of protection, including the Coastal Cactus Wren and the Orange-throated Whiptail Lizard. The single species approach moves very slowly and often species go extinct beforehand any listing is allowed. In the meantime, other species require protection and are placed as a last priority. The ESA, many conservationists argue, was always meant to be an act aimed at supporting multi-species preservation. With the leisurely pace at which lawmaking moves and with the single-species ... ...s Wheeler Link http//www.ceres.ca.gov/CRA/PressReleases/nccp_wheeler_fall9 5.html Coastal Sage Scrub Links http//envirolink.org/FSCR/Watershed103/ws3014.html http//www.calpoly.edu/dchippin/zonecoast .html Artemesia californica intense http//rain.org/mkummel/flora/artcal.html Other Coastal Plants Link http//ceres.ca.gov/ceres/calweb/coastal/plants/scrub.html California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) Link http//www.fws.gov/r9endspp/i/b6w.html California Gnatcatcher and other CSS species Link http//www.epa.gov/EPA-SPECIES/1995/June/Day-21/pr-304.html San Diego County NCCP Link http//resources.ca.gov/CRA/NCCP/nccp_san_diego.html temporary Management Link http//www.ceres.ca.gov/CRA/NCCP/nccp_coastal_sage_scrub.htm l Biological Corridors Link http//www.safnet.org/policy/psst/psst24.html
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